Bonus return rules
The buyer has 14 days from the order to exchange the product, provided that he has not used the product, it is returned in perfect condition, in the original packaging and the seal is not broken if there is one. When returning a product, it is based on its price on the day it was purchased. If the relevant product is on sale or on a special offer when returning or exchanging the product, the price of the product is based on the day it is returned.
For products distributed by Dropp and Flytjandi, Dropp’s terms of delivery, warranty and transport apply to the delivery of the product.
If a product is damaged from the time it is delivered from us to the carrier until it reaches the recipient, the damage is the responsibility of the carrier.
Vörur sem keyptar eru í vefverslun og eru sendar til kaupanda, er hægt að fá endurgreiddar. Kaupandi hefur 7 daga til að fara fram á endurgreiðslu, að því tilskildu að hann hafi ekki notað vöruna, henni sé skilað í fullkomnu ástandi, í upprunalegum umbúðum og innsigli ekki rofið sé það til staðar. Fresturinn byrjar að líða þegar varan er afhent skráðum viðtakanda.
Shipping costs are non-refundable. If a product has to be sent back due to a product return, the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs.
Prices on this page
Öll verð í vefverslun innihalda virðisaukaskatt og eru í íslenskum krónum. Verð á netinu getur breyst án fyrirvara. Tilboð gilda í sumum tilfellum eingöngu fyrir vefverslun.
All personal information received by Bónus is treated as strictly confidential and used only for the purpose of completing a transaction. However, the buyer has the option of receiving an offer by e-mail, and the seller will then only use the information required for this, such as a mailing address, unless otherwise specifically stated.
Resolution of doubts
Always try to solve all issues in the simplest way possible. If this is not possible, the matter can be referred to the Service and Liquidity Purchase Complaint Committee hosted by the Consumer Office. As a last resort, you can take the case to court. It must be done in Icelandic jurisdiction and in the jurisdiction of the seller.
Services and information
The buyer is advised to send us a message with all the information regarding the purchase, through our website, by clicking on the tab “Contact” til að fá úrlausn á því sem hann vantar. Kaupandi getur ekki leitað í verslun okkar til að fá svör og er því bent á að hringja í aðalsímanúmer okkar 5279000 þar sem honum verður vísað á réttan stað.
Bonus is not responsible for incorrect prices that may be on the site. Bonus reserves the right to cancel an order if it becomes apparent that the product has been incorrectly priced.
Version of the terms number: 1.0